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Rise Up Nutrition Coaching

fuel better
... without strict dieting!

Dieting and clean EATING is just part of being an athlete...right?

WRONG! Traditional "diets" and general health-focused nutrition information may actually sabotage your performance! Want to learn how to develop a healthier relationship with food and FUEL your body to reach your athletic goals? 

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Rise Up Group coaching is an amazing opportunity if you:

Feel confused by all the mixed nutrition information out there ...

Want to stop dieting and restricting but don’t know good alternatives ...

Are ready to shift your focus on performance rather than weight ...

Want  more support and guidance on how to fuel the body ...

Are ready to develop better eating habits to boost your athletic performance ...

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here's how we will help . . .


  • LEARN sports nutrition for female athletes

  • Become CONFIDENT in your daily nutrition choices

  • Be RESILIENT to all the mixed & harmful nutrition messages

  • EXPLORE intuitive eating & food freedom

membeRship program:

  • Nutrition lessons delivered virtually

  • Blood biomarker feedback with Inside Tracker

  • Personalized Nutrition Analysis & Action Plan

  • Weekly Coaching from Sports Dietitians

  • Group support & accountability

this is not . . .

A one-size-fits-all diet plan that only works while eating certain foods. There are no “magic” pills or quick solutions that may only be a temporary fix.

it's an opportunity

... to understand your unique fueling needs for day to day nutrition and training-specific fueling.

With the help of expert coaches dedicated to your personal and athletic success, and a group of like-minded women, you can change your approach to nutrition for a lifetime.


what women are saying ...

I would say for anyone that is struggling with diet culture, a history of disordered eating, and is trying to learn how to eat and fuel, this is a program you should consider.   I've been active my whole life (dance, cheerleading, crossfit, and now endurance sports), and trying to fit a mainstream diet has never worked, and created more problems than good.  Working with you has made things very simple and there is enough material that I can reference for a long time while still continuing to work with you.  I'm very excited to continue with this program!

- Sarah
Triathlete & Iron(wo)man

"This program has truly changed my life and will continue to as I have made the principles of it part of my daily living. My running has improved, and  my overall health has improved. I’m still working on completely aligning my nutrition with what is best for my body, but I have learned so much, and so many things have changed in my mind about how I feel about food. Now I have the tools to successfully make that happen and I feel confident in using them. Fears I have had have been erased. I feel so much better, both physically, and emotionally about food. This is truly life-changing, and I would recommend that every female athlete, really every female or even every person would go through a program like this! 

- Jennifer
Marathon Runner


NCAA & Professional Sports Dietitian, Competitive Runner, & Entrepreneur

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Lindsey is the premier expert in the sports nutrition industry helping athletes fuel their body... THE RIGHT WAY.

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