Lindsey Elizabeth Cortes MS RD CSSD is a mother, Sports Dietitian, entrepreneur, and lifelong athlete. Her mission is to help athletes use food as fuel to perform at their highest level.
As a childhood athlete in multiple sports, mostly gymnastics and later Division 1 track and field at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Lindsey understands the importance of fueling properly. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from UMASS and continued to complete a Master of Science in Sports Nutrition and the dietetic internship at Florida State University. She has worked as a sports dietitian for collegiate athletes at schools, including the University of Georgia, Florida State University, and University of Texas San Antonio. She has helped athletes across various sports, including swimming, track & field, cross country, basketball, tennis, equestrian, golf, volleyball, soccer, and MORE! For 4 years she also worked as the tactical dietitian for Air Force Special Operations and continues to support the US military through various contracts. She has spoken at many conferences and events for other professionals and teams, including the American Sports and Professional Dietetic Association and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She has consulted with dozens of high school and collegiate teams across the nation and collaborates with organizations such as Voice in Sport, Livestrong, and RunnersWorld for speaking engagements and articles.
​Throughout her professional career and personal athletic experiences, Lindsey has witnessed far too many athletes fall into the trap of underfueling, overtraining, REDS, disordered eating, and more. She is on a mission to stop that – to empower female athletes to understand food, have fun with food, and, of course, fuel their athletic dreams. In 2018 Lindsey established her own practice, Rise Up Nutrition LLC, to focus on helping female athletes fuel to their unique needs. She has helped hundreds of female athletes ranging in ages, sports, and competitive levels in both 1:1 and group nutrition coaching, becoming one of the top specialists in the field for female athlete nutrition. In 2020, Lindsey began the Female Athlete Nutrition Podcast, releasing an episode every week to help spread the mission.
In 2023 her second son, Levi, was born with a rare metabolic disorder Glycogen Storage Disorder Type 1a. The nature of his disease is managed 100% by diet and nutrition. Her skillset as a dietitian has only strengthened throughout her personal struggles as a mother managing necessary food restrictions, tube feedings, and constant blood sugar monitoring to care for him. Lindsey believes Levi was gifted to her for many reasons ... and challenging her understanding of the amazing human body and all it is capable of is just one.​
"I’ve also learned the importance of listening to my doctors, coaches and support crew. I wanted to end this piece by thanking all those who helped me, are helping me, and will continue to support me in this running journey. I am grateful to my surgeon, Dr. Lynch, my PT, Vikash Sharma, my coach, John Henwood, my nutritionist, Lindsey Elizabeth Cortes, my boyfriend, Jake, and all of my family, friends, running buddies, and coworkers".
"The only times I have ever tracked my calories was when I’ve done 3-day food diaries when working with nutritionists (like Lindsey) to analyze my diet and figure out where I might be going wrong. But once I have my plan in place, there’s really no need to count calories, fat, proteins, carbs, etc.".

I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein Episode 309
Strong Runner Chick Episode 177: Lindsey Cortes, RD, on Female Athlete Fueling & RED-S
C Tolle Run Carrie Tollefsun Podcast Ep 225: Food Freedom with Lindsey Cortes
Full & Thriving Podcast Ep 9: Exercise Dependence and Disordered Eating in Sport
Let’s Run WMass Running Podcast
Alpha Girl Confidence Podcast Ep 109- Fueling Female Athletes with Lindsey Cortes
RED-S Recovery Podcast Interview with Lindsey Elizabeth
The Dietitian Against Diets Ep 27 with Lindsey Elizabeth Cortes
BALANCE: Bringing Sport Back into Eating Disorder Recovery
Brodette Nation S3E11 Rise Up Nutrition
The Peak Performance Podcast, Nutrition & Supplements with Lindsey Pfau​
The Soccer Queens Podcast: Nutrition for Female Athletes
Show More Than Miles, Ep 49. Lindsey Cortes, MS, RD, CCSD: Fuel Yourself Fiercely
Soccer Queens Podcast-Protein Requirementsfor Female Athletes
Women's Running Stories: Body Acceptance
runner's world mag
women's running
bicycling magazine
air force special tactics
other blogs!

NCAA & Professional Sports Dietitian, Competitive Runner, & Entrepreneur
Lindsey is the premier expert in the sports nutrition industry helping athletes fuel their body... THE RIGHT WAY.